onsdag 7 november 2012

A final goodbye?

It's been reported that TNA star Eric Young is hinting of leaving the organization. He tweeted that he has a few shows left to perform and that it might be over for him after that. Now, upon hearing the news, I started to speculate if he was being true to his word or if he was pulling a 'Devon' and working the fans. I wrote a previous column about Eric Young being in a position where he is forced to be someone the crowd can laugh at, a Santino Marella of TNA. 

This man has always been underrated. Having been a comedy character for the majority of his career, he only recieved a fresh start in 2009 as the leader of World Elite. But here is the interesting part. He can take on a character and turn it into gold. After the break up of the heel stable, Eric Young eventually became a TV champion, had Kevin Nash as a bodyguard of sorts and was basically a edgy face. But then he turned into a clown AGAIN. And has been that way since. I want to show you a few clips to diffrentiate between the comedy character and the ferocious leader...

As you can all see, there is a huge difference between when Eric Young is goofing around and when he is the serious leader. The man is very versatile and can do both characters very well, but enough is enough. He is 32 and has so much more to offer than being a laughing stock of pro wrestling. Eric Young said about a month ago that Eric Bischoff spoke to him and said that he could do so much better with a serious gimmick. I couldn't agree more. I would LOVE to see him be revealed as one of the Aces and Eights members, possibly the leader. But for that to happen, he needs to split up with ODB, lose the Knockouts Title and assert dominance. Until then, he's just a joke.

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